Drinking game little man
Drinking game little man

drinking game little man

“OK,” I’d say, a grin creeping across my face. Whenever conversation stalled at the kitchen or patio or tree we were drinking at, someone would ask me for a game. Where I was unusual is how much I loved drinking games, which I studied with a kind of nerdy fervour. I’d always do a couple of laps of these shop like, I imagined, an adult might, appearing to browse an issue of FHM and consider a bag of lentils before finally deciding on, yes, the litre of Smirnoff please. Which means, as soon as I was old enough to put on a baggy coat, enter a shop and do a kind of detached impression of an 18 year old. Quinns: Like many Europeans I began drinking as soon as I could. Take your pick ladies, gentlemen, and teenagers who definitely shouldn’t be reading this.

drinking game little man

You’ll find a written transcript right after the jump. Too nervous for a private performance? It’s understandable, of course. In fact, he’s waiting for you in our podcast section right now. Continuing what we started with Brendan’s Correct Way to Scratch and Leigh’s Month as an Assassin, we’ve got our third ever spoken article! Quinns wants to tell you why drinking games are important.

Drinking game little man